Managing Holiday Stress and Planning for a Successful 2023: Strategies and Tools You Need

The end of the year and start of the new one can be overwhelming and even exhausting for some. To make things easier, I've compiled a few resources that might be helpful during this season. Pick and choose based on what you’re needing most this year.

If you're a last minute holiday shopper stressing about money, check out these tips on spending your money mindfully and meaningfully. If it's too late for you this year, bookmark the recommendations for the next big gift-giving season.

It's also important to plan ahead for tricky family dynamics over the holidays. Setting healthy boundaries with family can be challenging and take some practice, but there's no better time to start than the present.

Awkward office parties? Holiday travel jitters? Wild child antics when the routines disappear? Tackle these classic holiday woes and jot down helpful ideas and tips with this article on how to actually enjoy the holidays.

Finally, don’t forget to take some time for intentional reflection and planning. Consider using the days between Christmas and New Year's Eve, or the winter solstice, to reflect on 2022 and plan for 2023 with the help of this free booklet. As an integrative health and wellness coach, I highly recommend this resource to  help you join those special 20% of resolution-makers who are successful in maintaining their goals past February! Don’t stick with the herd this year, and ditch the 80% of resolution-floppers.

Wishing you all a low-stress, joy-filled holiday season and a very growthful new year!

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